Let's go back several years...
So where’s the quad bike?!
Frank would look forward to Christmas every year, from the minute it started to get dark and cold outside. He’d impatiently wait for the first snow and, as soon as it fell, he’d write a letter to Santa Claus. Frank’s mum would explain that Santa was very busy so he shouldn’t expect a reply, but that didn’t stop him sketching all his dream gifts – just the thought that his letter would arrive somewhere in the snowy north and be read by Santa himself was enough. Eight years ago, Frank wrote another letter and still received no reply (although, it must be said, the gifts he got were just right – minus the quad bike he so wanted; lost in a snowstorm his parents said...) and a trace of doubt entered his head... It just so happened that we knew Santa pretty well. Not so long ago, as kids, we’d had the same problem...
Litres of hot chocolate
We decided to contact Santa himself and raise the matter of his letter exchanges. After some lengthy talks at his house, over litres of hot chocolate, it was decided that from then on Santa Claus would not only reply to the children all over the world, but he’d write and send all the letters himself. Sure, there’d be problems – languages, distances, stamps – but we’d make it work. This was the joy of Christmas, after all...

Finnish workshop
We got to work and created, with Santa himself, the most perfect personalised letter. Special paper from a Finnish workshop was decorated with designs from our talented artist friend and finished with a hand-pressed gold stamp, designed by an eccentric Scandinavian friend.
‘Will it work?’ we thought. But we left it to the creativity of Santa and stayed positive.
Ten months later the first letters were released into the world. Frank and his younger brother were some of the first recipients – their family were understandably a little surprised by the sudden unexplained excitement.
‘It’s true’ said their grandpa after careful examination, ‘this is a Santa original’. Their house was filled with more festive joy than ever. Finally it all made sense...
Just 10 months later the first letters were released into the world. Frank and his younger brother Adrian were some of the first recipients of our letters (even their dad started to reflect on the suspicious disappearance of the quad the previous year), while the rest of the family was taken by a sudden and unexplained excitement. Even the grandpa had a look at the freshly opened letters, eyed up the stamp and said,"I confirm, this is genuine," - winking at the dad. At that moment, the children's joy reached its peak and thorough analyses of the letters' contents were never-ending. Finally, it all made sense.
The grand finale
We were finally able to admit to ourselves that if two little letters could bring so much joy then there was only one thing for it: some serious writing work with Santa. To this day, this story fills us with energy and enthusiasm – not least in Santa himself. We’ll see you all very soon...