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How does Santa Claus deliver gifts? Secrets of his magic sled team


Santa Claus is a good-natured old man who delivers gifts to children around the world on Christmas Eve. How is it possible that on this magical day gifts are always on time? How does Santa manage to accomplish this difficult task? It is because of the support of a group of exceptional reindeer, but there is more to it. Let's take a look at the secrets of Santa's magic sled team.

Magic sled

One of the main elements of the sled team is, of course, a magic sled. It allows Santa Claus to travel at unimaginable speeds. The sled hovers above the ground, efficiently avoids possible obstacles and moves smoothly and quickly through the sky. Some legends say that the sled is equipped with a special system that allows Santa Claus to deliver gifts while remaining unnoticed.

Reindeer with extraordinary skills

Very important are the reindeer mentioned in the introduction. Eight reindeer are traditionally referred to, although the most famous is Rudolph, the reindeer with the red, glowing nose. Each reindeer has its own unique abilities.

  • Rudolph - Famous for his red, glowing nose that lights the way during thick fog and dark nights.
  • Dasher - Known for its incredible speed, it makes Santa's journey take a proper pace. 
  • Dancer - A talented and agile reindeer that adds grace and elegance to the entire sled.
  • Prancer - Extremely strong and resilient.
  • Vixen - A magical reindeer whose task is to bring magic and joy to the Christmas journey.
  • Comet - Symbolizes hope and inspiration, always keeping morale high in the team.
  • Cupid - A reindeer full of love, reminding us of mutual care and kindness during the holidays.
  • Donner - A reindeer with a loud voice that gives signals and commands to other reindeer in flight.
  • Blitzen - A lightning-fast reindeer, adding energy and power to the sled, especially during harsh weather conditions.

Time zones

Distributing gifts on Christmas Eve is a task that requires quite a bit of logistics. Santa is aided in this difficult endeavor by changing time zones. Thanks to them, our Santa has more time to deliver all the gifts. Santa, in his travel plan, takes advantage of the time difference and gains several hours to complete his task. All this makes the mission, while still very challenging, doable in one night.

List of naughty and nice children

Before Santa sets out, he spends months going through a list of children from around the world. Thanks to the elves (information gatherers), he knows which children have been nice and which have not. The list is updated on a regular basis. Some theories say that Santa, to make sure he doesn't miss anything, also uses modern technology, such as a computer with magic software.

Magic bags

Santa's gifts are carried in special bags that can hold an infinite number of toys. The bags are made of a magic material that adapts to Santa's needs. What this means is that the gifts placed in the bag lose weight and become light as a feather, so Santa doesn't have to worry about weights. Moreover, the bags are convenient to carry and resistant to damage. 

Help from the elves

Santa does not work alone. His helpers, the elves, play a key role in the whole process. The elves work throughout the whole year in order to prepare the toys and wrap the gifts. Their tasks include gathering materials, designing toys, quality control, and stocking finished gifts. During the night, when Santa delivers the gifts, the elves are also on constant alert and, if necessary, quickly intervene. They can also use magic passageways to quickly travel to different parts of the world and support Santa.


Santa Claus is a symbol of holiday spirit and kindness, and his magic sled is just part of a fascinating legend that has survived the centuries. While many of the secrets remain unexplained, one thing is certain - Santa always finds a way to bring joy to children around the world.

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