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Santa for naughty boys: How do you turn bad behaviour into an excuse for fun gifts?


Christmas is a time when children look forward to presents and parents have an opportunity to remind their little ones of the importance of good behaviour. But what to do when a little rascal deserves the title of naughty boy? Instead of reprimanding, you can approach the issue with humour and use some fun creative methods. Here are some ideas to give naughty boys an unforgettable Christmas! 

Create a special letter to Santa

Start by writing a letter to Santa together. If you prefer modern forms of contact – write an email. Such correspondence is a good way for your child to describe their dreams and wishes, as well as to reflect on their behaviour over the past year. If you want to add a little humour, you can ask your child to write what gifts would be perfect for all their antics. You could suggest that instead of traditional gifts, your little one might receive something fun, such as a cane in a decorative box or a set of toy tools to repair damage made.

Unforgettable response from Santa

Santa loves to reply to the letters he receives - both traditional ones and emails. Santa is a very creative old man and can also make a phone call or even a short recording.  The response may include a gentle reminder of how important good behaviour is. Santa may stress that he believes he will see an improvement and hopes that the list of antics will be much shorter next year. Santa will be happy to give tips to the child, telling them how powerful small gestures can be. The response will also tell a story of the jolly elves and helpful reindeer. Santa can also send a list of correction tasks – for example:

  • Help your parents with cleaning for 3 days.
  • Smile at everyone you meet.
  • Make sure your room is always tidy. 

It is a fun way to introduce an element of reflection and motivation for behavioural change.

Fun gifts for naughty kids

Gifts for naughty boys can be a fun joke that will also put a smile on their face. Here are some ideas:

  • Fix Your Mistakes set – small brooms, mini screwdrivers or a cleaning kit.
  • T-shirts with a slogan – e.g. Naughty but cute or I’m changing for the better.... starting tomorrow.
  • A set for the everyday superhero - a cape and badge saying I did it without being reminded.
  • Tickets for a Christmas mission – several missions to complete, such as Manage an hour without complaining or Invite someone to play together.
  • Anger box - a decorative box with instructions: Whenever you feel like getting angry, throw your anger in there, close the lid and smile!
  • A super hat that makes only good deeds come to mind. 

Learning through play

A naughty boy is just a label worth turning into something positive. Santa-themed gifts and games can be a great excuse to talk about what good behaviour means and why it is important to be good to others. A humorous approach helps the child understand the consequences of their actions without getting overly moralistic. It can produce much better results than criticism. 


Christmas is a time of joy; even naughty behaviour can become an opportunity for smiles and creative ideas. Writing a letter to Santa together online, sending an email or preparing fun gifts are just some of the ways to make your Christmas unforgettable. Remember, even the worst behaviour carries a lot of hidden festive potential– all it takes is a little kindness and imagination to bring it to light!

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