Every purchase you make is a great challenge and a wonderful motivation for us. Together with Santa Claus, we do our best so that every child can have an unforgettable and magical time of happiness. In return, you send us truly wonderful messages, or sometimes even whole stories, which you can read below. Those reviews are 100% real, unedited, and added by our clients. They really warm our hearts.
What Day Is Christmas 2018?
If you’re already counting down to Christmas 2018 like we are, you’re probably asking a whole bunch of questions.
What day is Christmas 2018? When does the official Christmas shopping season begin? When should I make sure I’ve posted all my Christmas cards, letters and gifts by?
Lucky for you, we’ve got the answers to most of your questions. Or at least, the questions that really matter! We’re already in full preparation mode for the big day and we’re reliably informed the same can be said for Santa!
And just for the record, it may be a while until Christmas Day, but time’s already running out to get yourself out of Santa’s naughty list, if you’ve been a wee bit mischievous this year!
What Day Is Christmas 2018?
Back with that all-important question, Christmas day 2018 is set to fall on a Tuesday. This in turn means that Christmas Eve will fall on a Monday, providing two incredibly frantic days beforehand to complete your Christmas shopping. Much as we’re all about the festivities of the season, we’d highly recommend against setting foot in your local mall on the weekend of December 22nd. It’ll probably turn out to be a Christmas experience you’d sooner forget!
What's Open and Closed on Christmas?
The way we see it, EVERYTHING should close on Christmas. This is probably the one remaining day of the year when families have the opportunity to get together, without being distracted by things like Black Friday sales and the usual trappings of modern life. Still, you probably find that wherever you live in the United States, there will still be a ton of things open in your area. Including a fair few general stores, which admittedly can be a real help when you suddenly realize your Christmas dinner is lacking something important!
When’s the Last Postal Day Before Christmas?
In most places, postal services continue operating right up until the big day itself. However, if planning on posting anything to friends and family over the Christmas period, it’s a good idea to give it plenty of time. Even when posting something that would usually just take a day or so to arrive, we’d strongly advise giving things at least a week or two. Postal services are inundated with ridiculous backlogs of letters and parcels to deliver over Christmas, which almost always slows things down. Rule of thumb – try to complete any posting you need to do by December 12th.
How Late Can I Order a Letter from Santa?
If planning on getting in touch with the big guy himself through Elfi, it’s always better to plan ahead. We’re always swamped with letters and gift lifts bound for Lapland in December, so it’s a good idea to get in there as early as possible. Nevertheless, even if looking to arrange a personal video message from Santa Claus, we can still work wonders at the last minute!
For more information on the most unforgettable Christmas gifts for adults and kids of all ages, contact a member of the Elfi team today.